this beautiful image can be purchased
as a framed print through "World-Wide
Art" on the internet. The talented Artist:
Mr. Steve Hanks
"O Sole mio"
sung by the great
Mr. Mario Lanza
Che bel-la co-sa
Behold the brilliant
'na iuar-na-tae's so-le.
sun in all its splendour
Nu-ria se-re-na dop-po 'na tempe sta
Forgotten is the storm, the clouds now vanish
pe' ll'a-ria fre-sca pa-re gia' 'na fe-sta
The freshening breezes heavy airs will banish
Che be-la co-sa 'na iur-na tae's so-le!
Behold the brilliant sun in all its splendour
Ma n'a-tu so-le
A sun I know of
cchiuu bel-lo,ohi-ne 'O so-le mi-o,
thats brighter still, this sun my dearest
sta 'nfron tea te!
'tis naught but thee
O So-le'o, so-le mo-o Sta 'n,fron-tea'a te,
Thy face so fair to see, That shall now my sun
sta 'nfron te'a te!
forever be!